NFDC Drids


Demolition Refurbishment Information Data Sheets

N1 Office Furniture

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Office Furniture Miscellaneous 20 03 07

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Office furniture is manufactured in a wide range of items and from different materials that may have a reuse value if they are of good quality, undamaged and not contaminated. Office furniture includes tables, desks, chairs, benches, work stations, swivel chairs, filing cabinets, cupboards, hat stands, waste bins, storage shelves and kitchen items. They are manufactured in various colours, styles, shapes and sizes, depending on the specification required or user choice. They are of varying age, quality, finish and value depending on their function, finish and condition. Beware of large, top-heavy items when dismantling, moving and in storage. This DRIDS excludes electrical and electronic office furniture, as these are included in the WEEE Items DRIDS.

Waste Streams     


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Reclaim & Reuse

Office furniture in reusable condition, uncontaminated and of economic or heritage value may be set aside for reuse. There is a strong, growing and high-value market for reclaimed furniture, especially those with architectural importance or value.

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Office furniture of no reuse value should be recycled. Uncontaminated timber and metal items can be recycled where there is a market opportunity for the materials to be used as feedstock in new products, not necessarily for construction.

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Office furniture that is damaged and of no reuse or recycling value, should be incinerated with energy recovery. Clean and uncontaminated timber furniture may be chipped and composted.

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There are no outlets listed currently


The landfilling of office furniture should be avoided unless they are heavily contaminated or of no commercial value.

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Usage & Probable Locations

Personal Protective Equipment

Removal, Segregation & Storage


Fixtures, Fittings & Connections

Health & Safety

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